Hi everyone! How’s your life? I hope you’re good.
It is so long time I haven’t posting in my blog. Today I want to share you about my experience when I visited Bromo mountain a year ago. I know it is too late but it is OK then never :D
Visiting Bromo was on my wish list in 2014, but I had a chance to see it in 2019, Alhamdulillah :). My trip to Bromo started from Malang. My friend (Eka) and I prepared for our trip a month before we went to Malang. We tried to find some tour travel which could bring us to Bromo. There are many tours travels that you can choose if you want to visit Bromo. They have different prices and facilities. Their price usually starts from Rp 300.000 per person for an open trip to approximately Rp 1,7 million for a private trip (it depends on how many people in a trip). Some facilities usually provided are a photographer, transportation + driver, ticket fee for entering Bromo, mineral water, etc.
After searching for some tour travel, we decided to choose Bromoasik as our tour travel to Bromo. If you want to know more about it, you can visit their Instagram account (@bromoasik). Why did we decide to choose that tour travel? Because they provided facilities which we needed for our trips, such as photographer, transportation + driver, and ticket fee for entering Bromo. For your information, we got two photographers (Mas Iqbal and Mas Nabil) on our trip, but usually, they only provide a photographer for one trip. Their price is also affordable, and it is only Rp 325.000.
We started our trip from Malang Station at 11.30 pm. We met our tour guide (Mas Nabil) and four of our new friends who would have a trip to Bromo with us. Then we continued our journey to the travel agent’s base camp (I forget where the location was). When we arrived at the base camp, some other people wanted to have a trip to Bromo too. After waiting about 1.5 hours, we continued our journey to Bromo, almost at 02.00 am. We started to Bromo early to avoid traffic jams in that area, because if we went to Bromo at 04.00 or 05.00 am, it would be crowded and we couldn’t park near sunrise. It means that we should walk quite far.
We arrived at the sunrise point at 3 am. We waited for sunrise while warming our bodies in the fireplaces provided in a small stall. Besides small stalls, a small prayer room (musolah) and some toilets. We also could buy some food and drinks, such as fried bananas, noodles, hot tea, hot coffee, hot milk, etc. They also sell some hats, scarves and rent jackets.
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The Sunrise from Bromo |
After having sholat subuh at 04.30 am, we waited about 30 minutes to see the sunrise. Finally, at 05.00, we saw the light from the sunrise point. You know what? That was very wonderful, Masya Allah. We were thrilled to see it because we couldn’t see the sunrise if it was cloudy. Then, we climbed Kingkong Hill. It is one of the best places to see Bromo Mountain. We were a little tired from climbing the hill, but it was OK because we could see the wonderful Bromo and took pictures from there. From this hill, we could see Bromo, Batok and Semeru Mountain. Unfortunately, we didn’t see Bromo mountain from the sunrise point because there was very crowded.
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Bromo, Batok, Semeru |
Eka, Me, Safira, and the man (I forget his name) |
The Sunrise point |
From Kingkong Hill, we also could see other mountains, but I didn't know the name of those mountains. It was literally above of sky when we were here.
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Other mountains which you can see from Kingkong Hill |
Then we continued our trip to Widodaren Hill, Batok Mountain, Pasir Berbisik, Bukit Teletubbies and savanna. Of course, we didn’t forget to take some pictures. After that, we wanted to go to Kawah Bromo, but we all felt exhausted, so we decided not to go there (it means I must go to Bromo again one day.
Widodaren |
Batok Mountain |
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Savanna |
Near Pasir Berbisik, many small stalls sell foods and drinks. Many people rent their horses. If you want to rent the horse, you must pay from Rp 10.000 (only for taking a picture with the horse) to Rp 150.000 ( If you want to be delivered somewhere).
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Small stalls around Pasir Berbisik |
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One of the horse which you can rent in Bromo |
I visited Bromo in March 2019. It was a rainy season, so the grasses in Savana were green, but the sky was not bright.
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Edelweiss flower |
Oh my God, reminds me to my trip to Bromo two years ago. Waiting for sunrise and enjoying hot coffee, hot noodle, and sitting around fireplaces. Such a beautiful moment, haha. And the unforgettable moments are: had to pee outside the rest area because it's too full and smells bad, my head bumped to the car barrier like all the time, scared to the cliff beside the road, and the best part is eating the best food up there at Pasir Berbisik. Miss the moment, hiks
BalasHapusAlhamdulillah ya. Masuk wish list 20141, akhirnya kesampaian ke Bromo 2019. Saya pengen juga tapi gak tahan udara dingin hehe.
BalasHapusAku trakhir ke Bromo tuh pas kelas 3 SD Mba :)
BalasHapusUdah lamaaaaa banget
Pengin main ke sana, tapi blum rejeki ih.
Bromo cantiiikk bgt!
Sometimes, remembered about the past, when visited in Bromo. Very lovely about the scenary.
BalasHapusIni salah satu wish list aku untuk liburan bulan April nanti bersama teman-teman fotografi. Semoga keadaan nanti disana aman-aman ya, biar bisa dapat pemandangan yang cakep gini.
BalasHapusquite affordable ya kak. Jadi pengen nyusul hehehe.
BalasHapusDisitu emang dingin kah kak? Semuanya jadi pake outfit tebal gitu
Trip Bromo ini emang nganenin , tempatnya yang eksotik menjadi daya tarik tersendiri buat para pelancong ya.
BalasHapusAku ke Bromo cuma lewat aja kemarin gara² masih ada tanggungan kerjaan.
BalasHapusPadahal sudah ada rencana berkunjung ke sana sama temen² kantor. Malah kebablasan sampe balik Surabaya baru inget.
I visited bromo at 2017. It's wonderful mountain with amazing view arround. I hope I could go there again
BalasHapussaya ke sana sekitar tahun 2013-an. ah lama sekali. padahal kotanya tetanggaan, saya tinggal di pasuruan
Hapusits so cool, i have been in here 3 years ago but today i look at your website bromo more beautiful and make me so missed these place. i hope i can be here soon!
BalasHapusWoah, that's great. I had been two times at Bromo and Bromo is very amazing place. I like it. I hope you're very enjoy when you there. Your article is so cool.
BalasHapusI had visited Bromo when I was a student at high school. It's about 24 years ago. Wow! It's long time ago, right? Now I have a wish that someday I and my family can visit Bromo again :)
BalasHapusAku ke Bromo sekitar bulan Juni 2019...dari Bali sore sampai Bromo jam 1 malam langsung nyari homestay. Keesokan harinya langsung tour. Seru deh pokoknya...jadi pengen mengulang lagi kesana...
BalasHapusI haven't ever there even tho it's one of my place to visit-wishlist. The scenery looked so beautiful and relaxing the mind isn't it? In what the best month I should go there, kak? Related to the weather as the consideration ofc
BalasHapusAku belum sampai ke Bromo. Udah ke malang tapi nggak sampai sana tuh rasanya nyesek banget.
BalasHapusBromo indah bangettt. Waktu liburan ke Malang ga jadi k Bromo, ga sempat dan lagi bawa orang tua. Takut mereka kecapekan atau kedinginan. Mudah2an suatu hari ada rejeki ke sinii.
BalasHapusBromo cantik ya nggak heran jadi tujuan wisata favorit, biaya turnya juga nggak mahal, ada fotografer yang bisa mengabadikan momen ceria kita ya
BalasHapusHalan halan k bromo masuk daftar wish list tp harus sabar kata paksu nunggu anak2 gedean dikit heuheu. Note tipsnya
BalasHapusWah glad to know that you had a chance to visit a place in your bucket list! It's an amazing story. Thank you for sharing!
BalasHapusBromo tuh wishlist travelling dari 5 tahun lalu, dan belum kesampaian, padahal sudah direncanakan dengan matang pas mau eksekusi, ada saja halangannya.
BalasHapusBaca ini jadi makin pengen ke Bromo, semoga tercapai di tahun 2020 ini.
Never been to Bromo but It is on my bucket list. I don't know when and how, someday I will.
BalasHapusSeneng dong kalo dapat tour guide dengan tarif harga murah, dan masih ada bonusnya juga. Bisa jadi fotografer, selain nyiapin akomodasi transportasi ya.
BalasHapuspernah ke Bromo, tapi it was....like ten years ago....so long ya? :)
BalasHapustapi sepertinya nggak ada yang berubah ya, mba..masih kaya dulu aja :)
Keren banget foto-fotonya.
BalasHapusWishlist 2014 dan beneran kesampaian ke sana di tahun 2019, ini jadi penyemangat buat aku untuk tak putus harapan kalau punya keinginan
Sunrise cakep banget, puas hilang lelah kalau liat begituan ya...
BalasHapusFoto selimutan kece ...heheh
Terakhir ke Bromo udah sekitar 20 tahun yang lalu. Udah lama sekali ya...
BalasHapusPasti sekarang banyak perubahannya.
Aku juga ke Bromo tahun baru kemarin.
BalasHapusSenang rasanya bisa mengenalkan alam pada anak-anak. Ditambah lagi pengalaman seru menginap di sekitaran Gunung Bromo.
You captured very well picture. My favorite pict is at the Pasir Berbisik Point and the Sunrise. Happy to read your travel story.
BalasHapusWaah, jadi pengen ke Bromo lagi. Terakhir ke sana itu, sekitar tahun 1996. Udah lama sekali ya... Sepertinya udah banyak yang berubah di sana
BalasHapusBromo is my wishlist until today. Aduh, komentarku bahasa Indonesia aja deh ya, bingung mau nulis apa kalau bahasa inggris, hehe. Bromo ini emang tempat yang pengen banget juga kudatengin, udah banyak review yang kubaca tentang keindahan tempat ini, apalagi dulu habis nonton 5 CM itu jadi makin pengen, doakan bisa nyusul ke sana ya kak
BalasHapusI've seen sunrise in Bromo in 2016, hiking while carrying my 1 yo son in the frigid air. Such an amazing view. Aaah i imss Bromo and Bukit Teletubies
BalasHapussubhanallah, pemandangan yang sangat luar biasa. bromo is the best..